E. Dehillerin. They've been around since 1820 and, from what I understand, big chefs, pâtissiers, and homemakers love them.
They've got all kinds of tools to make delicate pastries; copper pots large enough to seat one person, comfortably; a very extensive line of knives...
In fact, two people came in the shop looking for knives this afternoon: a chef, and a student of the
Cordon Bleu. The chef bought this super obscure meat slicer (darnit, i don't remember the name) that he'd been unable to find in other shops, and the student, the knife she needed in order to pass one of her exams.
I spent a little over two hours rummaging around the place and hawking this cherry red
Le Creuset tarte tatin dish. One could easily spend the day there. I don't think they'd mind, either.
They make these lovely boxwood spatulas, too.
E. Dehillerin: Le Spécialiste du Matériel de Cuisine
18, rue de Coquillère
Metro: Palais Royal/Musée du Louvre