Lots of Dodgers fans don't know that Jackie Robinson played for the Montréal Royals in 1946. Lots of Montrealers don't know that he lived on de Gaspé street during his stay and that the monument dedicated to him at the entrance of Olympic Stadium used to be right on the northeast corner of Ontario E. and Ave. de Lorimier, where the Delorimier Downs used to be. The monument cost $50,000 and was paid for by the Expos. It was commissioned on January 27, 1987 and inaugurated in the presence of Mrs. Rachel Robinson on May 16, 1987, leaving the artist, Jules Lasalle three months to make all the necessary models and molds. Wheww... Then, in 1989, the city moved the monument to Olympic Stadium on the grounds that it would be more 'visible' to tourist and baseball fans. I took a trip to the monument's old site yesterday. Super depressing. When they removed the statue in '89 they placed a granite podium with a plaque dedicated to Les Royaux (that no longer exists) on home-plate. Originally, the statue of Robinson and the two kids were set at ground level on the pitcher's mound in this miniature version of a ballpark – created for the monument. Now that the Expos are gone I think the city should repatriate the statue to the former Royals playing field. It's where Robinson would have played and piece of pride that was taken away from the neighborhood. From Richard to the present...eastenders have really been getting the fuzzy end of the lollypop...
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