
Remedy Numero Uno

I have a friend named Liz. She's the queen of the home remedy. Two years ago she started making this potion. Ever since many of us have been overcoming the occasional cold and flu by using it. If you drink it before bedtime, after soaking in a very hot bath, you should feel better come morning. I haven't taken an aspirin/tylenol/sudafed tablet in two years. This is really an all-purpose concotion to be enjoyed during the colder months of the year and/or whenever your system is down.


1 ginger root
1 lemon or lime
Some honey (optional)


Slice up atleast two-inches of a ginger root. "More is better" in this case, so chop, chop.
Fill a saucepan with water.
Your stove set to high, bring the water to a complete boil.
Then, reduce the heat of your stove's element to medium temperature.
Throw in your pieces of ginger. Allow them to simmer for about 30 minutes.
Squeeze the juice of one lemon or lime into a mug. Add a spoonful of honey to the mug, if you like. (Brandy if you're restless).
Pour some of the simmered ginger juicein to your cup and enjoy.

*The left over simmered ginger juice may be refrigerated and reheated for another time.