We had our hebdomadal dinner party with Maître Ferguson last night - made steaks, mashed blue potatoes and garlic spinach. Hitchcock would have been pleased.
The purée sparked up a fierce political debate, however, when M. Ferguson insinuated that québécois potatoes were inferior to those of Idaho and P.E.I. Apparently it's common knowledge that P.E.I.'s and Idaho's are way better? Come on now...if it's from Québec it's got to be good.

**This is a peeled blue potato. Tastes just like a regular potato.
I read up on the blue patates after dinner. Sources say that unlike white or yellow ones, they are full of anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants keep your body's cells happy.

Our meal was accompanied by this "Séléction Ferguson".
"Cruz de Piedra", Granacha 2003, from the Calatayud vignobles found in the mountains between Madrid and Zaragoza.
At 14 degrees, this (on the sweet side) wine packs a punch. A fine catch.
Thanks Matt.